Upcoming duels
Rules & Info
Basic info
Tournament in Quake 3 Arena OSP Duel
Start of registration: 29.4. 2022
End of registration: 20.5. 2022
Tournament draw: 21.5. 2022
Playing days
Every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday always from 20:00 and 21:00 CEST.
Dates and times in the Upcoming duels
Tourney duel server: /connect quakeum.com:28000 
Tourney duel server: /password xxxxx < Players will see the pass here just before each duel
GTV watching server: /connect gtv.quakeum.com
Tourney duel server: /password xxxxx < Players will see the pass here just before each duel
GTV watching server: /connect gtv.quakeum.com
Game rules
Double Elimination, Best of three maps (BO3) Upper&Lower Bracket, Grand Final BO3 — winners bracket finalist has to be defeated twice by the losers bracket finalist.
Timelimit: 10 minutes followed by adding 2mins overtimes
No fraglimit
If someone can not play the date and time, it is possible to agree with the opponent on one alternative date, otherwise followed by lost the duel.
After connect to the tournament server each player must log in by his quakeum account: /login yourLoginName yourPassword
Map pool
Map selection process
At the begining there is a gauntlet duel, fraglimit 1, 100hp/100arm.
The first map: loser of the gauntlet duel call the first map
In a tie: winner of the gauntlet duel ends elimination of map - eliminating maps to get the last one according to this pattern <+pick(loser), +pick(winner), -drop(loser), -drop(winner), -drop(loser), -drop(winner)>
Behavior in game
- Once the duel started unnecessary delaying successive warmup rounds beyond what is a normal (f.e. more than 5 mins) is not allowed
- Unnecessary talking / arguing during matches is not allowed. In case of disagreements / appeals it is necessary to use the "Support" section on the quakeum portal, never during the game
- Failure to comply with any of the above or anything that distorts competition may result in lost the duel or disqualification
Client settings
- /snaps 40
- /rate 50000
- /cl_maxPackets 125
- no aimbot or wh sw
- very recommended is using the following if you want to guarantee a perfect smooth gameplay:
- client version 1.32e
- OSP mod
- /com_maxfps 125
- /cl_timeNudge 0
- /cl_allowDownload 1 for automatic map downloads
- try to use the nearest proxy
Double Elimination, Best of three maps (BO3) Upper&Lower Bracket, Grand Final BO3 — winners bracket finalist has to be defeated twice by the losers bracket finalist.
Timelimit: 10 minutes followed by adding 2mins overtimes
No fraglimit
If someone can not play the date and time, it is possible to agree with the opponent on one alternative date, otherwise followed by lost the duel.
After connect to the tournament server each player must log in by his quakeum account: /login yourLoginName yourPassword
Map pool
Map selection process
At the begining there is a gauntlet duel, fraglimit 1, 100hp/100arm.
The first map: loser of the gauntlet duel call the first map
In a tie: winner of the gauntlet duel ends elimination of map - eliminating maps to get the last one according to this pattern <+pick(loser), +pick(winner), -drop(loser), -drop(winner), -drop(loser), -drop(winner)>
Behavior in game
- Once the duel started unnecessary delaying successive warmup rounds beyond what is a normal (f.e. more than 5 mins) is not allowed
- Unnecessary talking / arguing during matches is not allowed. In case of disagreements / appeals it is necessary to use the "Support" section on the quakeum portal, never during the game
- Failure to comply with any of the above or anything that distorts competition may result in lost the duel or disqualification
Client settings
- /snaps 40
- /rate 50000
- /cl_maxPackets 125
- no aimbot or wh sw
- very recommended is using the following if you want to guarantee a perfect smooth gameplay:
- client version 1.32e
- OSP mod
- /com_maxfps 125
- /cl_timeNudge 0
- /cl_allowDownload 1 for automatic map downloads
- try to use the nearest proxy